Our warmth rating system is designed to explain the insulating properties of our jackets, when worn as part of a technical layering system.

Warmth Rating
Optimum insulation for extreme conditions at a temperature range of approximately:
32°F/ -4°F

Warmth Rating
Enhanced performance for colder climates at a temperature range of approximately:
50°F / 23°F

Warmth Rating
Insulating warmth for every day comfort at a temperature range of approximately:
59°F / 41°F
There is a big misconception that heavier means warmer, this is not the case with modern fabrics.
Multiple layers trap more air than one single bulky layer and give more flexibility to regulate body heat by adding or removing layers as you heat up or cool down.
It is worth remembering that everybody will experience cold differently and dependent on activity and exposure time, what suits one person may not work for another.
Super warm layering.
Warm and super insulating for maintaining the body’s microclimate.

This advanced insulating layer offers outstanding warmth and is suitable for a range of activities. Our products use the latest technologies to ensure superior insulating properties for the wearer whatever the season.
Created for maximum insulation
Our insulating products provide essential insulation for a range of activities and weather conditions. Ensuring that vital body heat is retained for extra warmth while being lightweight.